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Iverson Bicycle 50 euro

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avevo già affrontato questo discorso ma stavolta lo vendo.

non ho più posto in soffitta e sinceramente non saprei da dove iniziare.

se c'è qualche appassionato o curioso vendo questa Iverson.

vi metto delle foto e questa descrizione da :

Da :

"Iverson bikes were sold at many auto centers such as Millers Automotive and Joes back in the late 60s and early 70s... maybe earlier but this is my first recollection of the name. They were made by Stelber Industries way-back-when and floated into obscurity when the prolific Asians started bringing excellent quality bikes at low prices into the US.

The coolest thing about Iverson is that some bikes were designed by auto custom guru George Barris... but in general the bikes were constructed very poorly and tended to fail quickly. Although I don't think Barris had his hands in their 10 speeds, it seems that Stelber avoided making anything of quality regardless of who designed it.

Any Iverson "racing" bike. I'm afraid, would probably be worth more as scrap metal. Everything on it is pretty much obsolete and many shops would likely not even work on it, partially because of the likelihood that any repairs would not make the bike any better and the desire to avoid customer issues, partially due to the possibility that many shops wouldn't know what to do to make it right, and partially because almost any repair would easily exceed the value of the bike.

50 euro + spese 13,90

in vendita su altri canali

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