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Molto interessante.

Ho provato a fare una valutazione sul sito dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, viene fuori che se pedali tutti i giorni 30 minuti riduci quasi del 50% il rischio di morte prematura.

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Molto interessante.

Ho provato a fare una valutazione sul sito dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, viene fuori che se pedali tutti i giorni 30 minuti riduci quasi del 50% il rischio di morte prematura.

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Ma pedalare come? Ritmo sostenuto? Blando?

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Molto interessante.

Ho provato a fare una valutazione sul sito dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, viene fuori che se pedali tutti i giorni 30 minuti riduci quasi del 50% il rischio di morte prematura.

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Ma pedalare come? Ritmo sostenuto? Blando?


Mi pare di capire che si basino su un medio ritmo da pedalata urbana, stile Copenhagen, da 14 km/h. Non è applicabile a chi fa un uso intensivo della bici (citano come esempio i bike messengers)


1) HEAT is to be applied for assessments on a population level, i.e. in groups of people, not in individuals.

2) This tool is designed for habitual behaviour, such as cycling for commuting, or regular leisure time activities.

Do not use it for the evaluation of one-day events or competitions (such as cycling days etc.), since they are unlikely to reflect long-term average activity behaviour.

HEAT is meant to be applied for an average cycling speed of about 14km/h (see also box for more information).

3) HEAT is designed for adult populations (aged approximately 20-64 years).

This is the age range for which the used relative risk estimate is applicable (see box ?more information on the relative risk estimate used?).Information on the relative risk in younger or older populations is insufficient for inclusion. If the age distribution in the assessed population is significantly different (much younger, much older) HEAT may over or under estimate the resulting benefits. In such cases, it is important to adjust the mortality rate which depends strongly on the age of the assessed population. However, HEAT should not be applied to populations of children, very young adults, or older people, since the relative risk used by HEAT does not include these age groups.

4) Studies on the benefits of physical activity for decreasing premature mortality have typically been conducted in the general population where very high average levels of physical activity are uncommon.

Thus, the exact shape of the dose-response curve is uncertain above physical activity levels that are the equivalent of perhaps 1.5 hours of cycling per day. Therefore, the tool may not be suited for populations with very high average levels of cycling (i.e. about 1.5 hours per day or more, e.g. bicycle couriers) which go beyond activity levels common in an average adult population.


Da qui si può scaricare il manuale.

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